Professional Certificate in

Transforming Your Company’s Data Analytics: Championing the Digital Enterprise

Drive your career forward.

What You Will Learn

  • Vision - What does a Digital Enterprise look like? How does it work?
  • Roadmap - How do we get there? What’s the pathway to change?
  • Process - What can we do with the data? New processes? New values?
  • Communication – How can we lead digital teams at scale?
  • Culture - How can we prepare the organization, the employees, and the leadership for optimizing digital technologies and processes?


Organizations are pressured to become digital enterprises for good reason. Today every company is a technology company at its core. Only through integrated information technology systems designed for business analytics can companies sense and respond to changing market demands.

Business agility demands a digital enterprise.

Digital technologies have the potential to transform organizations into lean, agile businesses that are strongly focused on their customers. But, just introducing digital technologies into an enterprise is not enough. Without the right organizational culture, business processes, and active people training, you will not realize the full value of digital technologies.

In this program, we help you see the dynamic capabilities of your organization. Using the fitness landscape model we help managers see where they are in relation to other organizations and how to reconfigure their dynamic capabilities to move higher up the competitive fitness landscape.

These “dynamic capabilities” include both the social and the digital - how we work and the technologies that support it.. Terabytes of processing and machine learning won’t be the solution to your business problems on their own. As companies pursue big data and cloud computing strategies to improve their decision making with actionable insights - the technologies will change. To truly sustainably improve the customer experience and achieve the competitive advantage that the power of data promises, you need the social technologies and processes that are able to adapt along with your data strategy.

This ability to reconfigure and deploy new capabilities within the organization by creating, extending, or modifying the existing resources is a “dynamic capability.” With the speed of technology disruption, business leaders must enable their company to adapt.

This certificate will also teach you about how to discover data sources in your company, and leverage those structured and unstructured data to improve your whole business. From supply chain sourcing to marketing and delivery.

These lessons will help you make the right choices about digital transformation to make your organization better fulfill its mission and delight customers. To get there you must first understand the vision of a digital enterprise, what it looks like, how it operates, and why it’s so powerful in delivering results.

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Certificate At A Glance

  • Expert Instruction 4 Skill Building Courses
  • Self-Paced Progress at your own speed
  • 4 Months 2 - 3 hours per week
  • $851.40 For the full program experience Regularly $946.00 when paying per-course
  • 40 Professional Development Units (PDUs) Earn PDUs toward your Project Management Institute (PMI) Project Mangement Professional (PMP) certification

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Job Outlook

  • Requirements for data science & analytics jobs are multidisciplinary and require an ability to link analytics to creating value for the organization. Price Waterhouse
  • Approximately 2.7 million job postings for data science and analytics roles. Price Waterhouse
  • Data-savvy managers needed to organize the organization’s data science teams to create centers of excellence. 2011 McKinsey research report
  • Median salary for a PM who leads a data analytics team is $107,000.


Picture of Dr. Bill Brantley Your Instructor

Bill Brantley

My goal in teaching is not only to convey a body of knowledge but also help the student incorporate that knowledge into their careers and life. Teaching is not just about transmitting knowledge but also developing the student’s abilities as a critical thinker and an independent scholar.

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